original artwork of a reversed tarot card
Tarot & Divination

Reversed Tarot Card Meaning: A Guide to Reading Them

Tarot cards are a popular tool for divination, guidance, and self-discovery. They can reveal insights into your past, present, and future, as well as your subconscious thoughts, feelings, and desires. But what happens when you draw a tarot card upside down? Does it mean the opposite of the upright meaning? Does it signify bad news or obstacles? Or does it have a different interpretation altogether?

In this guide, I’ll explore the concept of reversed tarot cards, how to read them, and what they mean for different types of cards and spreads. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced tarot reader, you will find useful tips and examples to help you understand and apply reversed tarot card meanings to your readings.

What are reversed tarot cards?

A reversed tarot card is any one of the 78 tarot cards that come out upside down in a reading. This can happen by chance, if you shuffle the deck without paying attention to the orientation of the cards, or by intention, if you deliberately flip some or all of the cards before drawing them.

a pile of tarot cards all spread out, reversed tarot card meaning

Some tarot readers prefer to read only upright cards, and avoid reversed cards altogether. They may believe that reversed cards are too negative, confusing, or unnecessary.

Not me! I embrace reversed cards as a way to add more depth, nuance, and complexity to my readings. I see reversed cards as a challenge, an opportunity, or a message from the universe. Plus, I want to know the real message that’s being sent to me! There’s a reason my spirit guide gave it to me upside down!

There’s no right or wrong way to read tarot cards, and you can choose to use or ignore reversed cards according to your personal preference and intuition. However, if you decide to include reversed cards in your readings, you should be consistent and follow some guidelines to interpret them correctly.

How to read reversed tarot cards

There are many ways to read reversed tarot cards, and different readers may have different methods and opinions. However, here are some common and general approaches that you can use as a starting point:

Decreased Intensity

Some see reversed cards as carrying a dialed back energy of the upright meaning. For example, the Nine of Swords upright carries the meanings of nightmares, stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts. In reverse, this card could suggest that you are moving away from a period of deep inner turmoil into calmer waters. If you pull The Tower in reverse, this could indicate that you have just gone through some major upheavals and the period you are in now is the calm after the storm.

Increased Intensity

Alternatively, some see reversed cards as amplifying the energy of the upright meaning. For example, the Four of Cups upright represents boredom, dissatisfaction, and apathy. In reverse, this card could signal that you are feeling extremely unhappy, depressed, or isolated. The Hierophant upright stands for tradition, conformity, and authority. In reverse, this card could imply that you are rebelling against the status quo, breaking the rules, or challenging the established order.

Delays and Blockages

Another way to read reversed cards is to see them as indicating delays or blockages on your path. For example, the Wheel of Fortune upright symbolizes luck, change, and destiny. In reverse, this card could mean that you are facing some setbacks, obstacles, or resistance to your desired outcome. The Magician upright represents manifestation, creativity, and power. In reverse, this card could suggest that you are lacking the skills, resources, or confidence to make your dreams come true.

Internalized or Opposite Meaning

Taking the upright meaning of the tarot card and interpreting it as the opposite or internalized energy is another common way of reading reversals. For example, the Five of Wands upright is a card of conflict, competition, and tension. In reverse, this card could mean that you are avoiding confrontation, compromising, or resolving your differences. The Sun upright is a card of joy, optimism, and success. In reverse, this card could indicate that you are feeling sad, pessimistic, or disappointed.

These are just some of the possible ways to read reversed tarot cards, and you can mix and match them depending on the context and your intuition.

Consider These Factors When Interpreting Reversals

The Type of Card

Reversed cards can have different implications depending on whether they are Major Arcana or Minor Arcana cards. The Major Arcana cards represent the major themes and lessons of life, while the Minor Arcana cards reflect the everyday situations and challenges. Therefore, a reversed Major Arcana card could indicate a significant reversal, delay, or blockage in your life path, while a reversed Minor Arcana card could suggest a minor or temporary issue or change in your circumstances.

The Position of the Card

Reversed cards can also have different meanings depending on where they appear in a spread. For example, a reversed card in the past position could indicate that you have not learned from your mistakes, or that you are still influenced by unresolved issues. A reversed card in the present position could indicate that you are facing a current challenge, or that you need to change your perspective or attitude. A reversed card in the future position could indicate that you have the potential to overcome a difficulty, or that you need to prepare for an unexpected outcome.

The Surrounding Cards

Reversed cards can also be influenced by the other cards in the reading, especially if they are upright or reversed. For example, a reversed card surrounded by upright cards could stand out as a warning, a weakness, or a negative influence. A reversed card surrounded by reversed cards could blend in as part of a larger pattern, theme, or message. A reversed card next to an upright card of the same suit or number could indicate a contrast, a balance, or a connection.

Conclusion: Reversed Tarot Card Meaning

As you can see, reading reversed tarot cards is not a simple or straightforward task. It requires a lot of practice, intuition, and flexibility. However, it can also be rewarding, as it can reveal new insights, perspectives, and possibilities that you may not have considered otherwise.

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